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How sad that this was tolerated. I wouldn't have put up with it for one minute.
Matt Hooker from There Is Nothing Higher Than The Truth commented on Matt Hooker's basic page
How sad that this was tolerated. I wouldn't have put up with it for one minute.
Matt Hooker from There Is Nothing Higher Than The Truth commented on Matt Hooker's basic page
No one - "privilege" or not should be allowed to use arson and rioting and looting in protests.
Matt Hooker from There Is Nothing Higher Than The Truth commented on Matt Hooker's basic page
I agree. Put them in jail for arson - which is one of the most dangerous and destructive and deadly crimes. And vote-out the government officials who allowed it to happen and who did't put a stop to it immediately!
Matt Hooker from There Is Nothing Higher Than The Truth commented on Matt Hooker's basic page
I'll say. Disgusting and Horrible! No one should be allowed to get away with arson and destruction of property.
Matt Hooker from There Is Nothing Higher Than The Truth commented on Matt Hooker's basic page
Here is another example of black privilege. First of all, it must be remembered that today's UK - it's people and its government have never enslaved anyone, thus they have nothing to apologize for.
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Josh and 1 others commented on BlackPrivilege.US Admin's topic
Although I wouldn't mind 5 or 30 million I don't think it's right - and Georgia shouldn't go that way at all. Lots of white folk are poor or don't have jobs and are having trouble too, and this just won't fly. Let's stop racial fighting!
Josh and 1 others commented on BlackPrivilege.US Admin's topic
The statues of Southern war heroes shouldn't be left out in places of government or parks, or places like that. We should have voted them out instead of destroying them.
Josh and 1 others commented on BlackPrivilege.US Admin's topic
Arson is horrible. I have to agree. Don't burn your own home down!
Josh and 1 others commented on BlackPrivilege.US Admin's topic
Those protests were scarry! Why can't we get someone decent running for office ?
Josh and 1 others commented on BlackPrivilege.US Admin's basic page
I agree! Those folks are out of their minds! And I'm African American!