Do Black Lives Matter Protesters have the Legal and Moral Right to Topple Historical Statues and Destroy Works of Art?
I think NOT! Statues can be removed by vote of the City Council, or County Board of Supervisors, or State or Federal Government. We do nto have the right - legal or moral - to take matters into our own hands and damage or destroy property. We must use our vote to redress wrongs and change things we do not like. This is America!
Definitely NOT! No one has the right to destroy property and protest violently - no matter how strongly one feels about a matter. People do not have the right to censor others - and art destruction, since that is what statue toppling is, is also a form of censorship - as well as being a crime, like arson, looting, etc. that we saw far too much of in the black lives matter protests. Change your elected representatives - or change the hearts and minds of your fellow citizens - if you wish to remove a statue or other work of art from public display!
The statues of Southern war heroes shouldn't be left out in places of government or parks, or places like that. We should have voted them out instead of destroying them.
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